1: Post an Event
Play’n Sports brings players, parents, coaches and organizations together – our interactive map and filters makes it easy for people to discover the best camps, clinics, tryouts & weekly programs.
Once you create an account, you can post an event. Your event will show up on the map and list view when you’re officially verified and approved by Play’n Sports.
- Set your date
- Set your location
- Set the event type
- Set your price (min & max)
- Set the age, grade, grad level or juco
- Set the registration closing date
- Set the check in time
- Select your sports
- Fill out the description
- Let players know what to bring
- Choose how many tickets
How many events can I post? Unlimited!
How many players can register for my event? It’s up to you!
Play’n Sports wants Coaches and Organizations that have a passion for helping athletes expand their knowledge and grow the game. No matter the experience, it is important to help every player expand their knowledge and connect with someone new.
2: Select your event type
· Camps are larger events that are between 20 – 200 players.. These day or overnight camps could range anywhere from 1 to 7 days. Camps typically last anywhere between 2 hours to 10 hours during the day.
· Clinics are smaller groups with less than 20 players. Clinics are broken into groups of 6 or less players, per coach. Clinics could last between 30 min – 3 hours depending on the coach and amount of players.
· Tryouts are small or large events that could have a couple players to couple hundred players. These events could be free or cost money to attend. Typically, organizations charge money to make sure they have serious players that are interested in their organization.
· Prospect Events are larger events for players that are interested in playing at the collegiate or professional level. They could either be a showcase event or a prospect camp. You can expect between 30 to 200 players depending on the organization.
· Weekly programs are week to week events that are typically paid upfront before the first event. Weekly programs can last 1 week to an entire year depending on who is putting the program on.
3: First impression matters – Glance at some pointers before you post
· What can parents and players expect from you at this event? Describe in detail what your event is offering, who’s participating in this event, set a tentative schedule based on your camp experience, this will help the parent see what they are actually paying for.
· How does your expertise make this event unmissable? Bring your description to life.
· Description is key: A description can make you or break you. Make your Event Title and Description fun and exciting, have it stand out with information that paints a clear picture for what the parent and player are getting themselves into.
· Keep your events up to date: Make sure all the events you post are accurate and have the correct information like date, time, cost, location, etc. If it isn’t correct you can edit your events here.
· Pricing: Be competitive with your prices. Check around to see what other camp coordinators are charging for their events.
4: Connect your location
When you post an event on Play’n Sports you will show on the map. You can provide a pin point location that will help a player or parent identify the location of your event.