Creating multiple tickets per event
- Listing multiple tickets within an event: You can list multiple tickets within an event. By creating separate tickets for the same event helps there person registering see options to choose from. For prospect camps you might have pitchers and catcher in a morning group and hitters and fielders in the afternoon group. If this is the case, you would post one event and two tickets. If you have a youth camp that offers a half day and a full day, you would also list two tickets for the same event!
- Listing a max registration number: Each ticket can set a max number of registrants or have an unlimited number. It’s up to you on how many players you would like before your event is sold out.
- Description for new tickets: E When you are creating your ticket, you can enter in a short description that allows for the parent to see what they are purchasing. You might add on analytics or a player report to your ticket for registration. If this is the case, you would write a short description that explains what the person is purchasing. This is optional but recommended.
To create a new event, go to your dashboard and click Create an event.