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TPG Pre Convention Clinic

That Power Game LLC
181 , Belville, NC 28451
BEAST Facility
January 12, 2023
Registration closes Jan 12th.
Ages 12-20
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm | Check in 5:15 pm
Once you ticket is purchased it will only be partially refund due to transaction fees. 95% of the ticket will be refunded up to 2 weeks prior to the clinic. 50% of the ticket will be refunded up to 5 days before the clinic. You will only be able to transfer the ticket a within 5 days of the clinic.

Join us for a pre-convention clinic the night before the Be The Best Baseball and Softball Convention in Wilmington, NC. TPG is hosting a clinic with college coaches and former college players. There will be three one-hour sessions focusing on catching, pitching, and hitting. The pitching sessions will have a Diamond Kinetics component, allowing players to get their metric data on spin efficiency and spin rate. The hitting session will include a blast motion profile and data collection to all players to get their hitting metric data. All sessions include a 10-15 min discussion about mechanics and metric analysis.

Event Type: Clinics

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Rules & Policies

Wavier must be signed within 2 days of the clinic. Please clinic the link to access the waiver. https://forms.gle/KdWsT2C6qxTEu1Ey9

What's included

Coaches or Speakers in Attendance

Come see us

Belville, North Carolina
181 , Belville, NC

Contact us
That Power Game LLC

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