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Stetson Hatter Elite Prospect Camp

Stetson University
555 S Woodland Blvd, DeLand, FL 32724
Melching Field
January 23, 2022
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
  • The Stetson University Prospect Camp is designed to provide players who want to continue their playing careers at the next level with an opportunity to be evaluated by the Stetson coaching staff. This session will include 60-yard dash, a pro-style defensive workout, on-field batting practice, and instructional hitting stations. Unfortunately, due to Covid we are unable to provide campus tours at this time but we are hopeful we will be able to provide these in the near future during our camps.
  • The Hatter Elite Prospect Camp is a great opportunity for players to showcase their skills and be evaluated by Division 1 coaches as well as develop rapport with the Stetson Baseball staff. This camp is an excellent opportunity for exposure and instruction.
  • The Data Evaluation Package is an optional add-on and something that we highly recommend. It will give a full data report for all pitchers and hitters. Pitchers will get their data from Flight Scope and hitters will get their data from Diamond Kinetics. This data can be useful if you ever want to share it with other universities in your recruiting process
  • Time for event is check-in starting at 8:30am with the Camp beginning at 9:00am and lasting until 2:00pm.

Event Type: Prospect Camp or Showcase Event

Event Skills: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

What's included

Limited Capacity
Coaches or Speakers in Attendance

Come see us

DeLand, Florida
555 S Woodland Blvd, DeLand, FL

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Stetson University

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